March 11, 2022
Title: Automotive Sensor Fusion Systems for Traffic Aware Adaptive Cruise Control
When: Tuesday, March 22nd at 3:00pm
Where: Simrall Room 228
Candidate: Jonah Thomas Gandy
Degree: Masters, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. John Ball
(Major Professor)
Dr. Randy Follett
(Committee Member)
Dr. Chaomin Luo
(Committee Member)
The autonomous driving (AD) industry is advancing at a rapid pace. New sensing technology for tracking vehicles, controlling vehicle behavior, and communicating with infrastructure are being added to commercial vehicles. These new automotive technologies reduce on road fatalities, improve ride quality, and improve vehicle fuel economy. This research explores two types of automotive sensor fusion systems: a novel radar/camera sensor fusion system using a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network (NN) to perform data fusion improving tracking capabilities in a simulated environment and a traditional radar/camera sensor fusion system that is deployed in the Mississippi State EcoCAR (2019 Chevrolet Blazer) for an adaptive cruise control system (ACC) which functions in on-road applications. Along with vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, the sensor fusion system deployed in the EcoCAR uses vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication to communicate with infrastructure such as traffic ligh ts to optimize and autonomously control vehicle acceleration through a connected corridor.