January 31, 2025
What is your favorite part about being a mentor for MSU’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering?
My favorite part about being an ECE mentor is interacting with all the students and being able to guide them with anything from lab activities to career goals!
What makes Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State a good choice for potential students?
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State is great because there are so many resources to help students, and the professors are always willing to go above and beyond to answer your questions and help you out.
What ECE class has been your favorite class and why?
Embedded Systems! We had a project in that class where we dissected an electronic device to figure out how it worked. Plus, Dr. Vuk is the best!
What is your favorite part about being an ECE major?
My favorite part about being an Electrical and Computer Engineering major is making friends in all of your classes and seeing them every day!
What are some activities or experiences that you have had as part of your major and at MSU?
I was named to the 2024 ECE Wall of Fame, and I had two co-op terms at Milwaukee and 2 co-op terms at Adtran. I have also been a Supplemental Instruction leader and mentor, participated in research at the High Performance Computing Collaboratory, and served as a Bagley Ambassador.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University consists of 27 faculty members (including seven endowed professors), seven professional staff, and over 700 undergraduate and graduate students, with approximately 100 being at the Ph.D. level. With a research expenditure of over $14.24 million, the department houses the largest High Voltage Laboratory among North American universities.