Academic Forgiveness Policy
Academic Forgiveness Policy:
Academic Forgiveness Link: Banner -> Student -> Registration -> Academic Forgiveness
Remember these points:
- Read the policy above carefully, as there is not an undo button.
- Requesting academic forgiveness will nearly immediately positively affect your MSU GPA.
- Final grades in Banner must be posted to use it on a class.
- Academic forgiveness is not open on the day grades are due due to processing of grades and degree audits.
- You do not have choose academic forgiveness prior to taking the class again or immediately after taking the course. There are no deadlines with the 2023 policy update except for graduating seniors.
- Academic forgiveness may only be used on a “D” or an “F.”
- You can use academic forgiveness on up to 9 hours of MSU credits, so this could be 3 3-hour classes, 2 4-hour classes, or some combination up to 9 hours.
- Academic forgiveness on a “D” – will not only remove the grade, but it may remove a prerequisite status if the D was required for a future class.
- Academic forgiveness on a “D” – may remove a course from completion for a degree if only a D was needed.
- Check with the scholarship office and financial aid to see any impacts this will have on your funding, as there are both GPA requirements and credit hour requirements. For example, a “D” is considered completion for MS funding like MTAG, MESG, and MS HELP grants.
- It is important to note, that the forgiven grade(s) remains on the transcript. Course forgiveness only applies to the computation of the MSU GPA to allow a student to graduate. The forgiveness of course grades may not be honored when applying to professional or graduate school at MSU or other institutions.
Most importantly, there is no deadline to requesting forgiveness until graduation, so consider if you should use it now or later depending on your funding. Will you lose financial aid or scholarships if you use it now or don’t use it now?
Please note that these points are not extensive, and students are responsible for reading and understanding the full policy. Read it carefully and make informed decisions, as each student’s circumstances are different.
Graduating Seniors: Your deadline to request academic forgiveness is by midnight the day after final grades are due in your graduating semester. Pay attention carefully and consult your advisor on any “D” forgiveness requests, as this may impact your graduation. Academic Calendar: