EE Advising

The ECE Undergraduate Program Coordinator, kylie,ece, is responsible for advising Electrical Engineering undergraduates throughout their program at MSU. In addition to general advising, Ms. Kylie Crosland assists students in their initial orientation session as well as regular preregistration periods during the spring and fall terms once students are enrolled.

Students making changes in their major must also see Ms. Kylie Crosland. This is necessary in order to evaluate the student's grade qualifications to make the change, allow a discussion of career choices, and evaluate of the student's experiences within the Electrical Engineering program.

Approximately midway through the program, additional formal advising is required with a faculty member. Students enrolled in ECE 3424 Intermediate Electronic Circuits must schedule an appointment with an Electrical Engineering faculty advisor or attend a group session with a faculty member prior to the next preregistration and complete an advising worksheet. A faculty member from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will serve as an upper-level technical elective advisor in addition to Ms. Kylie Crosland.

Students are encouraged to use the EE flowchart and a current Degree Works compliance report as planning tools for their curriculums. Degree Works reports can be run in your student myState/Banner account. Students will receive an email early to mid term with advising information for registration release. A combination of group and individual advising is employed to ensure all students have and adequate advising experience.

Upon declaration of Electrical Engineering, students will also see an ECE Advising Hub added as a course in their Canvas classroom account. Additional resources are posted there and on the website.