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Students of the Electrical Engineering undergraduate program are required to complete three hours of a Professional Enrichment Elective. Appropriately titled, the purpose of this elective is to aid students in the enrichment of their undergraduate program in a professional manner. The intent is to help students achieve objectives such as earning a minor or a certificate, preparing for the F.E. Exam, participating in the Study Abroad Program, or additional study in technical, primarily upper-division areas of study.
Historically, EE students have most often used the Professional Enrichment Elective to satisfy the requirements for a Mathematics Minor. Presently, Math Minors consist of 24 credit hours of upper-division MA courses. Twenty-one of these hours are required as part of the EE program of study. By selecting an appropriate Mathematics course, EE students may not only satisfy the Professional Enrichment Elective but also complete requirements for a Mathematics Minor. ECE-approved Professional Enrichment Elective which satisfy the Mathematics Minor are as follows:
Similarly, ECE students are encouraged to pursue interests they may have in various endorsement programs See options here. Again, all requirements for the endorsement must be satisfied in order for credit to be earned for the Professional Enrichment Elective.
Students who have plans to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam during their graduating semester (or closest fall/spring semester enrolled if graduating in the summer) may wish to use their Professional Enrichment Elective to help prepare for this exam. Each course listed below represents areas typically covered by the general session of the Professional Engineering exam. Assuming the course is not used to satisfy some other elective in the EE program of study, one of the following may be selected as the Professional Enrichment Elective:
To apply this credit, the student will turn in their FE Exam test entrance ticket to their advisor.
Students majoring in EE who wish to complete additional EE Technical Electives are encouraged to do so as the Professional Enrichment Elective. Other, non-ECE courses may qualify, provided these are of appropriate scope. All EE students are strongly encouraged to confirm with their academic advisor the appropriateness of any potential Professional Enrichment Elective they wish to pursue. CPE students may also complete an additional Technical Elective from their CPE list.
As always, students must meet all course prerequisites. Contact the major advisor for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a 3 term co-op (or more, and as shown on the transcript) will be able to apply any 3 hour course taken, but not already applied to the program, as Professional Enrichment Elective.
Students must register for the co-op class through the co-op office processes for each semester they are on co-op (CP 2103, CP 2203, and CP 3303).
If you have questions about the co-op processes, please contact the co-op office.
Students who complete a substantial undergraduate research project have achieved this objective.
To use ECE 4800 to fulfill the Professional Enrichment degree requirement, students must:
To document a substantial undergraduate research project, students must submit a ECE 4800 Planning Form to the ECE Undergraduate Coordinator in the semester prior to enrolling in ECE 4800. Upon completion of the above requirements, the student must submit an ECE 4800 Approval Coversheet along with their final presentation or publication.