
There are number of Minors and Certificates that ECE students pursue. For Electrical Engineering students, completion of a minor or certificate will complete the Professional Enrichment Elective.

Minors -

Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)

African American Studies

Architectural Studies - scroll to bottom of linked page

Art and Art History - scroll to bottom of page link

Business  - there are number of options, Accounting, etc. but Business Administration is the most common pursued by ECE students particularly in preparation for the MBA program.

Business Analytics

Cognitive Science

Computer Science  (Computer Engineering students are not eligible)


Data Science

Foreign Languages - concentrations in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Classical Languages, or Classical Civilizations

Global Engineering Leadership

Industrial Engineering

Math - note IE 4613 Eng. Statistics satisfies a MA 3000-level requirement- see additional note below

Music - options of General Music, Audio Production, and Music and Culture


Political Science



Software Engineering


Endorsements -

Automotive Engineering


Engineering Entrepreneurship

Environment and Sustainability

Information Assurance


Precision Agriculture


Additional note on the Mathematics Minor

It is possible for ECE students to satisfy the requirements for a Mathematics Minor. Presently, Math Minors consist of 24 credit hours of upper-division MA courses. Twenty-one of these hours are required as part of the ECE programs of study. By selecting an appropriate Mathematics course, CPE students may not only satisfy a CPE Technical Elective but also complete requirements for a Mathematics Minor. And EE students may complete their Professional Enrichment Elective

  • For students who complete IE4613, Engineering Statistics I the following would complete a math minor:
    • MA 4143 Graph Theory
    • MA 4153 Mat & Lin Algebra
    • MA 4173 Number Theory
    • MA 4313 Numerical Analysis I – will need pre-req override from Math department, different programming course requirement
    • MA 4323 Numerical Analysis II – will need pre-req override from Math department, different programming course requirement
    • MA 4373 Int. Part. Diff Equations
    • MA 4633 Ad. Calculus I
    • MA 4733 Linear Programming (also listed as IE 4733)
    • MA 4753 Ap. Complex Variables
      • Data Analysis I, Applied Probability, Intro to Probability, Introductory Probability and Random Processes and Intro to Math. Stats I cannot complete the math minor because of overlap with other coursework required in ECE majors. Also Discrete Mathematics for students who take CSE 2813 Discrete Structures

As always, students must meet all course prerequisites. Contact the major advisor for additional information.