Dissertations and Theses - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 3

Dissertation Defense Announcement for John T. Rogers II on 10/120/2023 at 3:30 PM

Dissertation Title: Neural Networks for Improved Signal Source Enumeration and Localization with Unsteered Antenna Arrays When: 20 Oct 2023, 15:30 Where: Simrall 228 or Webex: https://msstate.webex.com/meet/jeb234 Candidate: John T. Rogers II Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. John Ball, Dr. Ali Gurbuz, Dr. Chaomin Luo, Dr. Mehmet Kurum Abstract:…

October 19, 2023

Dissertation Defense Announcement for Dinh Le via Webex on 10/19/2023 at 2:30 PM

Dissertation Title: Common mode electromagnetic interference attenuation for DC/AC inverters using enhanced sinusoidal frequency modulation technique When: 10/19/2023, 2:30 PM Where: Webex (link TBD) Candidate: Dinh Le Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Yong Fu, Dr. Xin Fang, Dr. Junming Diao, Dr. Seungdeog Choi Abstract Common mode (CM) electromagnetic…

October 16, 2023

Thesis Defense Announcement for Mahfuzur Rahman – 10/18/2023 at 2:00 PM

Thesis Title: Traffic Light Detection and V2I Communications of an Autonomous Vehicle with the Traffic Light for an Effective Intersection Navigation using MAVS Simulation When: 10/18/2023, 2:00 PM Where: Simrall 228 Candidate: Mahfuzur Rahman Degree: Master of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Committee Members: Dr. John E. Ball, Dr. Ali C. Gurbuz, Dr. Umar…

October 10, 2023

Dissertation Defense Announcement for Md Mehedi Farhad – 07/25/2023 at 1:00 PM

Dissertation Title Estimating Surface Reflectivity with Smartphone and Semi-Custom GNSS Receivers on UAS-based GNSS-R Technology and Surface Brightness Temperature using UAS-based L Band Microwave Radiometer When 07/25/2023 1:00 PM Where Simrall 228 Candidate Md Mehedi Farhad Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members Dr. Mehmet Kurum, Dr. John E. Ball, Dr….

July 17, 2023

Dissertation Defense Announcement for Mark Didat – 07/14/2023 at 2:00 PM

Dissertation Title: Improved methodology and characterization for conducted EMI assessment of power electronics When: 07/14/2023 02:00 PM Where: Webex Only – https://msstate.webex.com/msstate/j.php?MTID=mfb78c31ee3b5663ac5e78134656c7085 Candidate: Mark Didat Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Seungdeog Choi, Dr. Andrew Lemmon, Dr. Masoud Karimi-Ghartemani, Dr. Yong Fu. Abstract Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), primarily common mode…

June 26, 2023

Dissertation Defense Announcement for Amna Shahid – 06/14/2023 at 12:00 PM

Dissertation Title:   Resource Optimization of Edge Servers dealing with Priority-Based Workloads by utilizing Service Level Objective-Aware Virtual Rebalancing  When: 06/14/2023  12:00 PM Where: Simrall Hall Room 228  Candidate: Amna Shahid Degree: Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Samee Khan (Major Professor) Dr. Chaomin Luo (Committee Member) Dr. Yu Luo (Committee Member)  Abstract:  The advent of the Internet…

May 25, 2023

Dissertation Defense Announcement for Aly Sabri Abdalla – 06/08/2023 at 04:30 PM

Dissertation Title: Physical Layer Security with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Advanced Wireless Networks When: 06/08/2023 04:30 PM Where: Simrall 228 Candidate: Aly Sabri Abdalla Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Vuk Marojevic, Dr. John E. Ball, Dr. Ali C. Gurbuz, Dr. Bo Tang. Abstract Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as enablers…

May 23, 2023

Dissertation Defense Announcement for Dylan Boyd – 06/19/2023 at 10:00 AM

Dissertation Title: Exploring bistatic scattering modeling for land surface applications using radio spectrum recycling in the Signal of Opportunity Coherent Bistatic Simulator When: 06/19/2023 10:00 AM Where: Simrall 228 Candidate: Dylan R. Boyd Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Mehmet Kurum, Dr. John E. Ball Dr. J. Patrick Donoho…

May 16, 2023

Thesis Defense Announcement for Erik Brown – 04/21/2023 at 10:00 AM

Title: Determining student attentiveness by use of heart rate measurement using a wearable device When: 04/21/2023 10:00 AM Where: Simrall 228 & Webex https://msstate.webex.com/msstate/j.php?MTID=md3602ae78c01a5f9288bd2842b3de401 Candidate: Erik Brown Degree: Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh (Major Professor) Dr. Bryan Jones (Committee Member) Dr. Ryan Green (Committee Member) Dr….

March 30, 2023

Thesis Defense Announcement for Rebecca Garcia – 03/09/2023 at 1:00 PM

Thesis Title: Unmanned Aerial System Integration Safety and Security Technology Ontology  Date: 03/09/2023 1:00 PM Location: Simrall Conference Room 228 Candidate: Rebecca Garcia Degree: Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Committee Members: Dr. Samee U. Khan, Dr. Chaomin, Dr. Yu Luo Abstract: Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) is a versatile and essential tool for…

March 2, 2023