Compressive Sensing Meets Machine Learning Ali Gurbuz | Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce several machine learning based projects going on in IMPRESS Lab and present several recent results on compressive learning. Since the revolution of digital age, sensors acquire data in a fixed way independent of the task and how that…
Join us October 23 at 2:00 pm on Webex for a lecture with Dr. Yang-Ki Hong of University of Alabama’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as he discusses Magnetics for Telecommunication and Electric Machines. Abstract: First, cars powered by internal combustion engines (ICEs) will be phased out to reduce fuel emissions, thereby addressing…
Securing the Dielectric Integrity of Conventional and Emerging Power Applications Chanyeop Park | Abstract: The emergence of wide bandgap (WBG) power semiconductors, advances in power electronic converter (PEC) topologies, and the improvement of device packaging and thermal management enabled the dynamic control of energy as well as the high-power-density designs of devices. However, the…
Current Design 1 students, I’m so sad we will need to hold our final advising session via webex, but I do want you to have all the information you need to prepare for your final term. Please watch this video for my usual presentation of information – Elective options are linked here – General…
Can the GPS Chip on Your Phone Help Beat the Climate Change? Dr. Mehmet Kurum | Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a “Microwave Farms” concept for precision agriculture driven by Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) and received by smartphones deployed on small drones. In broad terms, “Microwave Farms” opportunistically reutilizes any anthropogenic signals…
Artificial Intelligence for Smart City Transportation Sanjay Ranka Department of Computer Information Science and Engineering University of Florida, Gainesville Abstract: We live in an era of real-time gathering of information and its dissemination. The size of the digital universe is estimated to be around 50 Zettabytes today and expected to double every two years. The…
Beginning on Tuesday, April 17th at 12:30 PM in Simrall 102, our senior design I students will present their final design review. Please come to provide guidance and feedback to these teams! You’ll need a laptop or device; browse to, then click on the appropriate team.
Electrical and Computer Engineering will host the following seminar: By Dr. Vahid Madani Wednesday November 15th at 10:00 AM Dr. Vahid Madani (Fellow IEEE), a technology leader and engineer for advanced power systems applications at Pacific Gas & Electric Co., will be giving a seminar on Wednesday, November 15th from 10:00-11:00 AM in Simrall 228….