Graduate - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 2

ECE Announces Its 2022 Department Awards

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) recently recognized faculty and students with its 2022 awards. ECE recognized one of its faculty members for his outstanding classroom instruction. Associate Professor Dr. Chaomin Luo was named the 2022 ECE Outstanding Instructor. Dr. Luo’s research interests include computational intelligence, robotics, autonomous systems, control and automation, bio-inspired…

February 27, 2023

ECE Graduate Student’s Research Featured as Cover Article of Intelligence & Robotics Journal

A Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s graduate student’s research was recently selected and featured on the front cover of the journal Intelligence & Robotics. Tingjun Lei’s publication “An informative planning-based multi-layer robot navigation system as applied in a poultry barn” is in the December 2022 issue Intelligence & Robotics and highlights how a row-based…

February 8, 2023

MSU Bagley College of Engineering celebrates annual research achievements

December 9, 2022

ECPE grad students, Alaba and Nabi, are featured for their work in data science.

November 15, 2022

Three ECPE graduate students were recognized as MSU’s Graduate Student Research Symposium winners

November 14, 2022

ECE Announces Its Fall 2022 Research Symposium Awards

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering recently announced the winners of its annual ECE Research Symposium. Graduate students Sabyasachi Biswas and Tingjun Lei both received Best Presentation awards for their work. Biswas, advised by Dr. Ali Gurbuz, was awarded for his presentation titled “Multi-target Activity Classification with MIMO Radar.” Lei, advised by Dr. Chaomin…

November 10, 2022

ECE graduate student selected as CAVS lead for EcoCar EV challenge

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate student Fahmida Islam has been selected CAVS Lead for Mississippi State University’s EcoCAR EV Challenge team. To highlight this achievement, she took some time to answer some questions about her participation with EcoCAR, ECE, and Mississippi State University. Describe your position with EcoCAR EV Challenge. I will be…

September 16, 2022

MSU partners with USDA to give ‘impressive’ grad students summer research experience

August 8, 2022

ECE Students Awarded for Paper Presentation

Two Mississippi State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) graduate students received an award at the Thirteenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI). Tingjun Lei and Timothy Sellers’s paper, “A Bio-Inspired Neural Network Approach to Robot Navigation and Mapping with Nature-Inspired Algorithms” has been granted the Invited Best Student Paper Presentation Award. Advised…

July 29, 2022

ECE’s Continues Impact by Assisting with EcoCAR EV Challenge

Mississippi State University will be one of 15 universities in North America to participate in the EcoCAR EV Challenge that begins in Fall 2022, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) will continue with its integral role. ECE Associate Professor Dr. Randy Follett has had a long history of involvement with MSU’s EcoCAR,…

June 28, 2022