The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) recently hosted 2023 IEEE President-Elect Tom Coughlin, providing guests the opportunity to interact with a leading digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant. In addition to his presentation “Digital Storage and Memory” as part of the ECE Distinguished Lecture series, the department hosted a gathering to…
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor Dr. Ali C. Gurbuz is part of a team recently awarded over $50,000 from the Mississippi Corn Promotion Board. Gurbuz and Dr. Volkan Y. Senyurek of the Geosystems Research Institute are working on a project using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) unsupervised weed detection for corn fields….
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) was well represented at the recent IEEE SoutheastCon 2023 in the robotics competition, with the Mississippi State University team placing in the top eight. ECE Assistant Professor Ryan Green serves as the faculty advisor, and the team includes students from Mississippi State University’s Bagley College of Engineering,…