Undergraduate - Electrical & Computer Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 5

ECE Students Inducted into Tau Beta Pi

Six undergraduate students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have been recently been inducted into the Mississippi State University chapter of Tau Beta Pi. Chapter MS Alpha, MSU’s Tau Beta Pi chapter, held a ceremony in the fall to welcome its newest 38 members. The three electrical engineering inductees include junior Andrew Donald…

February 28, 2022

ECE Students: Leading the Way in NSBE Roles

Mississippi State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering students are making a difference in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) in five of the leadership roles in the campus chapter. The students’ engagement is helping to fulfill NSBE’s mission, which to increase the number of Black engineers who excel academically and professionally and…

February 7, 2022

ECE Presents Fall 2021 Design Awards

Mississippi State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) recognized its capstone design winners for the fall of 2021. The department’s students worked in teams to utilize their skills and incorporate appropriate engineering standards while having multiple realistic constraints, such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. Students fabricated their…

December 3, 2021

ECE Faculty Members Earn Outstanding Teaching Awards

Congratulations to ECE Assistant Professor Ryan Green and Assistant Clinical Professor Umar Iqbal on receiving 2021 Outstanding Teaching Awards from the Mississippi State chapters of National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Increasing Minority Access to Graduate Education (IMAGE). Angela Verdell, advisor for both groups and Director of Diversity Programs and Student Development in the…

May 19, 2021

ECE Presents Spring 2021 Design Awards

Congratulations to the ECE students in Intro to ECE Design and Senior Design II who placed in the top three on their design projects. The Intro to ECE Design II class is generally taken by our ECE students in their second term at MSU. These students spend a semester working through the design process to…

May 14, 2021

Join Us Virtually For ECE Senior Design Showcase

The ECE department will live stream ECE’s annual senior design showcase on the ECE Facebook and Instagram page. Please join on on April 27 3-4 pm and April 28 12-2 pm central time to see demonstrations and ask questions of our senior design students. To give some estimated times for team demos:   Tuesday, April…

April 26, 2021

ECE Student Leadership Spotlight

Jonathan Cheeks, President of MSU’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers Jonathan, a senior electrical engineering major, was recently selected as the President of MSU’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Jonathan said he began his journey at MSU as a software engineering student, but quickly decided he did not…

April 22, 2021

Zoe M. Fowler, an electrical engineering major, has been accepted into the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship program

April 19, 2021

Fall Intro to ECE Design 2 Awards

A belated congratulations to Fall 2020’s ECE 1022 Intro to ECE Design 2 winning designs. Our Intro to ECE Design 2 class is generally taken by our ECE students in their second term at MSU. These students spend a semester working through the design process to complete a prototype of their own team design using…

April 19, 2021

Two ECE Seniors Inducted into the BCoE Hall of Fame

Seven undergraduates and a pair of Ph.D. candidates are the newest inductees into Mississippi State University’s Bagley College of Engineering Student Hall of Fame, including two seniors from the ECE department. “It is becoming more and more challenging to select our Student Hall of Fame inductees each year and that is due to the large…

April 14, 2021