ECE Orientation
April 15, 2019
Welcome to Orientation. We’re excited to have you join the ECE and Bulldog families this fall.
Registration notes:
Once you are happy with your schedule, please leave your photo release form and marked up copy of the flowchart.
If you are a MS resident and receive MTAG, MESG, or the MS HELP scholarships, you will need to maintain 15 hours each semester for that scholarship.
CSE 1284 Intro to Computer Programming is taught in python programming language. CSE 1384 Intermediate Computer Programming is taught in C++ programming language. There are free tutorials at
CH 1213 Chemistry’s schedule looks busy. The first time on the schedule is your lecture, the second is a weekly review, the third is a testing time (so only 3-4 times in the semester).
Registration instructions:
- Go to and log in using your netID and password.
- Open the menu at the top left corner of the page, then click on “Banner”
- Hover over “myBanner for Student” and select “Register for classes” under the Registration column
- Select “Fall” term
- Everyone will get an error message. Within that message there is a “click here” link. This will prompt you to verify your addresses. All must be filled in, but you can make same as “home” using a drop down box.
- Select “Fall” term again.
- Then “Schedule Builder” as method to add and drop classes.
- You can search classes, by entering the course code (ex. ECE 1013) from the flowchart at your desk. And there is a “drop class” link next to each class to make adjustments to your schedule.
- There are radio buttons to select if you want courses that fit your schedule or all courses. This defaults to “courses that fit your schedule” but “all courses” can be useful if you are looking for alternate times of a particular course.
You have my contact info you have any questions after today’s scheduling session.
I look forward to seeing you again this fall! – Kylie Crosland, ECE Program Coordinator
Category: Dissertations and Theses